Friday, March 20, 2015

Cyclone Pam 3/20

Robert Michael Gray and I delivered 30 containers of water to Takara Landing this morning, to be sent over to Emao Island via several 7m fiberglass boats. It was tough, because on the way there I had at least three small groups of people sing out "water, water" (thankfully it was more of a request tone than a desperate plea). I was tasked by a friend to deliver it, so that's how I made my choice, but this stuff is not easy. 
On our way back south I conducted some assessment interviews with some of the Christians along the east coast. Priorities are for food, water, housing and toilets. I was careful not to make promises, but hope to be able to deliver what these folks need in the near future. 
We also made a water run with several ladies from Epau, filling about 15 containers with river water. It's not potable, but works fine for dishes, laundry and bathing. 
The Etas Christians say that tonight will be their last night with us. Honestly, it hasn't been much trouble at all, and actually quite fun ... a little bit like church camp smile emoticon. We'll miss them, but know they're anxious to get back home and get their gardens restarted. 
We were thrilled to get a call from Jean Claude (aka "Abu Dadi" to our family) in Tulwei, NW Malekula. They're cellular network is back online as of today. As assumed, they are fine, having been spared the brunt of the storm being so far west of it. They were worried sick about us, as all they knew was that we were hit hard by Pam. 
I'm scheduled to fly to Tanna tomorrow (Sat) afternoon, and should return Tuesday morning. Four villages in four days is the plan. I'm packing light in case I have to walk the whole way. Should be an adventure! I'm anxious to see how our friends and family are doing, and what we can do to help get them back on their feet asap. I've also been asked to pass some messages and make inquiries for some friends here while there. Commications are still down in the south, but it's possible they'll come online while I'm there. Either way, trust that I (or Shawnda) will update you when we can.
We continue to be held up by your prayers, love and support. We simply can't respond to them all, but know we read and relish every single message, comment and post. We love you. Pray for us... ~E

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